woman navigating salonory website

Thank you for your recent participation in the SALONORY Canada Launch Experience Program. Your time and feedback are greatly appreciated as we seek to enhance your experience with our new B2B online store. Your responses will assist us in providing the best possible customer service. Please take a moment to answer the following questions. It should only take a few minutes. Your responses are completely anonymous, and user data will remain confidential. We appreciate your support.

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1Your General Experience
2Your Shopping Preferences
3Your Overall Satisfaction
How did you access Salonory.ca?
Please select all options that apply
Overall, I found Salonory.ca easy to use and an enjoyable experience.
The navigation is clearly defined so that it was easy to find the information (categories, brands, account functions) I was looking for.
The Search function helped me find the products I was looking for.
Cart and Checkout functions (e.g. add to cart, payments, shipping) were easy to use to complete my purchase.
It was easy to use the Quick Order functionality
I was easily able to find and navigate my previous invoice history.
How informative did you find the brand pages?
Did the brand pages help you make informed purchasing decisions?
How did you look up the products that you wanted to purchase? (Select all that apply)