
How to Remove Brassy Tones from Brown Hair


hairstylist with round brush

Source: Agencyby |

Do your clients ever find themselves staring in the mirror, frustrated by unwanted warmth detracting from their beautiful brown hair? Those brassy, orange, yellow or red tones can appear seemingly out of nowhere, leaving locks looking dull and far from the cool-toned brown. But fear not! Understanding the culprits behind brassiness and exploring how to get rid of brassy hair will help you banish unwanted hues and achieve the radiant brown hair you crave.

Causes of Brassy Hair

While the quest for the perfect brown can feel like an ongoing battle, identifying the root cause of unwanted tones is the first step toward understanding how to remove brassy tones from brown hair. Sun exposure, harsh water minerals and product buildup can all contribute to brassiness. Additionally, your natural underlying hair pigments can play a role, with warmer tones being more prone to brassiness after lightening or coloring. 

Taking a Look at The Color Wheel

The science of color theory plays a crucial role in how toning shampoos and conditioners combat brassy hair. Remember the color wheel used in art class? Opposites attract, and that principle applies here, too. Brassy tones like orange and yellow fall on the warm side of the spectrum, while blue and purple sit on the cool side.

color wheel illustration

Source: Tony Bosse |

Toning shampoos and conditioners are infused with blue or purple pigments, which act as color correctors. When deposited on the hair, these cool pigments counteract the warm brassy tones, neutralizing them and leaving your brown hair looking cooler and more balanced.

How Professionals Remove Brassy Tones from Brown Hair

When you need to fix brassiness, professional hair care products and treatments are your knight in shining armor. A gloss or toner applied at a salon is a highly effective way to neutralize brassy tones and enhance your brown hair’s color vibrancy. These treatments work similarly to toning shampoos and conditioners but offer a higher concentration of color pigments, leading to more dramatic and long-lasting results. They come in various shades specifically formulated to target brassy tones, and your stylist can customize them to match your individual brown hair color.

Preventing Brassiness After the Salon

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. While tackling existing brassiness is important, adopting preventive measures is the best way to achieve and maintain your desired cool-toned brown hair. Here are some key strategies to suggest to your hair clients:

  • Minimize Heat Styling: Excessive heat styling with tools like straighteners and curling wands can damage hair and contribute to brassiness. Try to limit heat styling whenever possible and use heat protectant spray before reaching for heated tools.
  • Embrace UV-Protectant Hair Products: Just like your skin, your hair needs protection from the sun’s UV rays. Look for hair products formulated with UV protection to safeguard your hair against sun damage, which can accelerate color fading and brassiness.
  • Install a Shower Filter for Hard Water: If you live in an area with hard water, consider installing a shower filter. Hard water minerals can build up on hair, making it dull and prone to brassiness. A shower filter helps remove these minerals and can improve your hair’s overall health and appearance.

Banish Brassiness on Brown Strands

@abfabhair_ellie via Instagram powered by Squarelovin

The journey to achieving and maintaining beautiful, cool-toned brown hair for your client requires understanding the causes of brassiness and exploring the available solutions. Whether they use toning products or professional treatments, helping them find the right approach is crucial. Consistency is key, and by combining the right techniques with preventive measures, your clients can combat brassiness and flaunt their dream brunette locks with confidence.


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